Here are my comments on your book, 'Hex Signs as Sacred Space.' This book will be amazing!
The work that Hunter Yoder does in the creation of Hex signs is holy work.
These symbols are unique to the Germanic people and an expression of the blood.
No artist is doing more in our present day to keep this art alive. Painting these sacred symbols is important work in honoring the traditions of Hexology. Without words a symbol is able to convey meaning by creating a feeling which is one of the primary functions of a Hex.
We see Hex signs on old barns, on quilts and in the structure of business signs and logos.
Most people see no connection to the magic of these signs although they serve that purpose regardless of their lack of awareness.
In Hunter Yoder's art the viewer sees the work of a true master whose passion for his heritage has compelled him to develop his skill to the highest level. He is always sure to acknowledge the masters who have gone before him and gives them credit for their influence on him. The history of Hexology goes back to ancient rock carvings and continues on to this day. It is through the continuation of this art form that our sacred signs and symbols are rectified. Hexes are the holy symbols of the Germanic people. They rightly exist even as do we. Blood is forever and Hexology is an expression of the blood.
Keep rising!
Troy Wisehart